Happiness Guarantee

What if I am not happy with my booking?

Our goal is to provide the very best pet care experience. If, for any reason, you or your pet is not happy with your booking, we will do our best to make it right.

In the first instance, we recommend you discuss your concerns with your pet sitter and try and come to a compromise with each other regarding any compensation. In many cases, we have found that when two parties have an honest conversation with each other, misunderstandings can be cleared up quickly.

At the same time, please contact us and let us know - at the latest, 48 hours after the booking ends so that we can place your payment on hold. The sooner we are aware, the quicker we can be prepared to step in to help facilitate discussions or resolve issues.

I’ve tried to discuss the situation with my pet sitter but we can’t come to an agreement

When Pawshake investigates a situation, we enter as a neutral third party. This means that we may ask for further information and evidence to support the claims. This does not mean we don’t believe you, but it assures fair and impartial treatment of the parties involved.

During the investigation, Pawshake will work with you and the sitter to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. If no resolution can be found, Pawshake will make a decision based on the evidence, and determine the course of action and/or compensation.

To be eligible for the Happiness Guarantee

The booking must have been confirmed and paid via the Pawshake website or app prior to the incident.
A meet & greet was arranged prior to booking start date (only required if it’s your first booking with the sitter).
Any specific agreements about the booking must have been put down in writing (for example by using our intake forms). You will need to provide the supporting documentations when making a claim.
The owner and sitter must attempt to find a solution between themselves first via our secure messaging system. If no compromise is found, Pawshake will step in.
The owner needs to provide evidence of the incident.

Coverage Exceptions

  • Services booked outside of the Pawshake website or mobile app
  • Incidents or damages arising from a 'meet and greet' appointment. Coverage only applies on the dates booked via Pawshake. The booking must be paid for and confirmed prior to the day of the incident.
  • Treatment for injuries to the pet sitter’s own pet not caused by the guest pet during a Pawshake booking
  • Treatment for injuries resulting from a breach of professional duty by the pet sitter and/or by a violation of Pawshake Terms of Service by either party
  • Examplewalking an animal off-leash in an area where this is reasonably considered not to be suitable
  • Injuries to free roaming cats, while the cat is outside of the owners property
  • Exampleroad incidents, fights with other animals, falling off a tree etc.
  • Pre-existing veterinary medical conditions, old age or illness of the guest pet
  • Examplerespiratory infections, urinary tract/bladder infections, blood disorders, vomiting, diarrhoea, and other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Costs related to stress or anxiety, as well as self-inflicted wounds as a consequence of itching or scratching due to allergies
  • Preventable conditions, such as flea, tick, worm or other parasite infestations
  • Physiotherapy and other para-veterinary treatments, such as massage, acupuncture, etc.
  • Breed-specific conditions
  • Treatment for injuries caused by acts of nature
  • Long-term vet care which extends over 30 days from the day of the incident
Pet, pet sitter and pet owner
  • Injuries to the pet sitter and pet owner and related parties (like family, visitors to the sitter’s home or persons accompanying the sitter on an assignment)
  • Damage to personal property of either the pet owner or pet sitter (such as damage to personal items, home and/or vehicles and/or cleaning costs). We recommend that you agree on who is financially liable for such damages BEFORE the booking starts.
  • Fees or costs incurred from cancellation or changes of holiday or travel arrangements as a result of a booking on Pawshake
  • Travel costs incurred as a result of a booking on Pawshake
  • Exampletrips to the vet during a booking or follow-up medical treatment for the pet after the booking. This includes but is not limited to petrol, Uber and taxi costs, etc
  • Emotional distress caused as a result of a booking on Pawshake
  • Reduction in ‘show’ value of the guest pet and host pet
  • Any booking costs (related to the sitter’s cancellation policy) as a result of cancellation by the sitter if the guest pet has a contagious illness before the start of the booking.
  • ExampleIf the guest pet has fleas, kennel cough, parvovirus, etc.

Who is excluded?

  • Guest pets involved in a previous attack with another animal or human that required medical treatment
  • Visiting pets are not covered for any damage or injuries that may be sustained during a Pawshake booking
  • Pet sitters who have any criminal convictions in the past 5 years (excluding traffic violations)
  • Pet sitter's own pets

Key Definitions

  • Breed-specific condition means any condition that commonly occurs in particular dog breeds.
  • Pawshake pet means a pet owner’s pet that has been listed on the confirmed booking as part of the booking. Each pet must have their own separate pet profile.
  • Pawshake booking means a booking that has been successfully paid by the pet owner and confirmed by the sitter through the Pawshake platform.
  • Pre-existing condition means any injuries, conditions and diseases which the pet has been treated for or which have happened prior to the booking.
  • Preventable condition means any conditions that can be prevented by vaccinations or normal veterinary care.
  • Visiting pets mean pets that are not part of a confirmed booking. For example - pet sitter’s relative’s pets that may be present during a booking or pets that the sitter is sitting outside of Pawshake (e.g. if they are a professional and take bookings in other ways). Pet sitter’s own pet is not a visiting pet.
  • Pet sitter's own pet means any pet that has been listed on the sitter's profile.
  • Decline your booking: if this happens, no amount will be charged. The authorization for the hold on your credit card will be released immediately. After a few business days (10 at most), you will no longer see the pending amount on your statement. Please contact our Customer Support if the booking still appears on your statement.

Submitting a Happiness Guarantee claim

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Are you not sure about something, do you feel uncomfortable or do you have any concerns? Please reach out to our Pawshake Support team and we will help you in the best way possible.
Contact us here