Here's how Pawshake works.
Search and connect with trusted pet sitters. It's easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Find a verified pet sitter
FREE2. Arrange a meet & greet
FREE3. Pay online
Happiness guaranteed
Sit back and relax! Your pet is in safe hands with their loving, experienced pet sitter.
Shirley is an excellent dog sitter. She was willing to accommodate my puppy, Oli, for doggy day care from 7.30-6pm even when her usual doggy day care hours are for 8 hours. She was kind to Oli and provided me with regular updates during the time Oli was with her. I feel very assured and would definitely come back to her again when I need help with Oli.
- Min
Services on Pawshake
Why choose Pawshake?
Personalised and flexible pet care
Safety first for your peace of mind
A real community
Veterinary Coverage
Because we love to talk about pets.
Pickup and Drop-Off for Pet Sitters: Best Practice
Pimp Your Pet Sitting Profile
Frequently asked questions
Your questions answered
Can I cancel my Pawshake booking?
Yes of course. We understand that plans can change. For your peace of mind, all our pet sitters offer either a flexible or moderate cancellation policy. A flexible cancellation policy allows a full refund if you cancel before noon the day before the booking starts. A moderate cancellation policy allows a full refund if you cancel before noon 7 days before the start date. Always check your sitter’s cancellation policy on their profile before you book.
What is Pawshake?
At Pawshake, our mission is to connect pet parents with friendly, trusted pet sitters. Your pets can stay in a loving home environment and be treated just like family. Pawshake pet sitters are a stress-free alternative to dog boarding kennels or catteries.
How does Pawshake work?
Simply search for a pet sitter, arrange a free meet and greet, then confirm your booking online. Your sitter will send daily updates and photos during the stay, so you can relax knowing that your pet is having a lovely time. All bookings are covered by The Pawshake Guarantee which includes free veterinary coverage, Happiness Guarantee, Booking Guarantee and online in-house customer support.
Is Pawshake right for my pet?
Pawshake pet sitters offer a range of services to suit most pets. Your pet may like drop-in visits at home. Or, they may prefer staying in the sitter's home or having the sitter stay overnight with them. Our sitters can cater to suit your pet's specific needs. You must also have a meet and greet with your pet sitter before booking. This is an obligation-free meeting to get to know each other and make sure you've made a good match.
Why book through Pawshake?
Safety is our number one priority at Pawshake. Your booking is protected by the Pawshake Guarantee, which includes free veterinary coverage in case of accident or illlness. All booking payments are cashless and secure.
How do I find a pet sitter?
Do you need a trusted dog sitter, cat sitter or sitter for your fish, guinea pig or rabbit? You've come to the right place. Here's how to find a perfect sitter: 1. Select your pet sitting service 2. Type your suburb or postcode into the search bar 3. Click on 'search' 4. Narrow the results by choosing a start and end date (or rough dates if you're not quite sure yet), selecting a filter option or zooming in and out of the map 5. Browse through the list of pet sitters near you and contact one or two you like. To do this, send a message via the green 'contact' button on their profile.